Arts Reading Inc. is proud to enhance and sustain the vibrancy of Reading by fostering local cultural development. Your personal or organizational involvement, and membership dues, directly support our cultural events and intentions, and the not-so long term goal of building a cultural district and center in our community.
Our Team!
Please fill out the Membership Application above to join with us and become a Member or Associate!
Many of our Members are linked below to their personal sites. Please visit them!
Note: If you would like to view our newsletters, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Ivy Chord Coffeehouse

Reading Public Schools

Communitas - Formally EMARC

Reading/N. Reading
Chamber of Commerce

Reading Community Concert Band
Town of Reading

Northeast School of Ballet

Reading Garden Club

Reading Community Television


Betsy Schneider
Everett and Ginny Blodgett
Nora Bucko
Judy O'Hare
Joseph Leto's
Art and Photography
Membership Levels:
CULTURAL ORGANIZATION: Established Professional Cultural Organizations and Businesses who have a shared interest in culture for the Town of Reading. Each organization may have a few attendees, but may only have one voting representative at an Arts Reading meeting.
INDIVIDUAL: Individuals dedicated to arts and culture. They are admitted into Arts Reading by paying this annual dues. They are urged to attend meetings, to give ideas and advise, and may vote.
ASSOCIATE: Cultural Organizations who do not take in monies for their services. They are not asked to pay dues.
They are urged to attend meetings, to give ideas and advise, and may vote.
Any Amount
PATRON/SPONSOR: Individuals wishing to contribute to the arts and promote the cultural resources in the Town of Reading. They may attend meetings, to give ideas and advise, but do not vote.
All Dues and Donations can be paid online Here!
If you choose to pay dues through PayPal, please select the payment type option "For Friends and Family"